Auction Fees

Exeter Car Auction:

Sellers Entry Fee: £20.00 per vehicle per auction.
Selling Commission: 8.4% of the Hammer Price (subject to a minimum charge of £50.00

Buyers Service Charge:

Hammer Price

Service Charge

Up to £99.00 


£100.00 to £299.00


£300.00 to £499.00


£500.00 to £699.00


£700.00 to £999.00 £105.00

£1000 to £2800.00


£2800.00 and above


All the above fees are quoted inclusive of VAT

Exeter Commercial Auction:

Sellers Entry Fee: £20.00 per vehicle per auction.
Selling Commission: 8.4% of the Hammer Price (subject to a minimum charge of £50.00

Buyers Service Charge:

Hammer Price

Service Charge

Up to £99.00 


£100.00 to £299.00


£300.00 to £499.00


£500.00 to £699.00


£700.00 to £999.00


£1000 to £2800.00


£2800.00 and above


All the above fees are quoted inclusive of VAT

Exeter Plant Auction

Sellers Entry Fee: £20.00 per HGV or other vehicle.
Selling Commission: 18% of the first £100.00 of the Hammer Price and 6% on the balance per lot
(subject to a minimum charge of £2.40
Buyers Premium: 14.40% (Capped at £420.00 per lot)
Online Fee: 2.4% (Items purchased online only. Not capped)

All the above fees are quoted inclusive of VAT

Hopefully the above is clear but if further clarification is required please contact us.